Saturday, June 30, 2007

My Golden Birthday

So I celebrated my once in a life-time golden birthday this week. 28 on the 28th. Nothing amazing happened, but it was all-in-all a very good day. My children fought in the car for several minutes over who was and who was not going to sing me happy birthday. I actually enjoyed the song once the fighting was over! Would it be so wrong for a mommy to yell: Just turn your fighting off and sing me the darn song!? Yeah...that was me. My date with my husband ended in tears...not a bad thing really. We were able to talk through some things that we had not been able to communicate about for a while. Anyway, it was good. Another year has passed. It is strange that I am so close to 30 now. I vividly remember being 10. Good thing the future only happens a day at a time. I feel like my experience with time is changing considerably. The days are so long sometimes, but the months are very very short.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Obedience is not the issue, is it?

I am currently reading a book called "Grace Based Parenting" and I am loving it. I am not very far in, but it is truly resonating with me so far. I realize that often I am more concerned about appropriate and obedient behavior from my children than I am concerned about showing them a glimpse of God's grace. I am aware of a need to reach their hearts, to get to the sin issues and address them but I do not want my children to think that in order to have my full approval, they have to obey by keeping all the rules, and doing the right things. As a child I thought sinning meant failing. I thought I was a major disappointment to God sometimes. Sinning is failing in a way, but God knows that a sinless standard is not something we can attain, and that was His plan (grace v. works) Also, my children are still being ruled by the "ruler of the kingdom of the air." I cannot expect righteous behavior to come naturally to them. I want my children to experience acceptance, forgiveness, love, purpose and hope through my interactions with them in order to give them a glimpse of a future relationship with the Lord of all creation. So this is where I am today. God help me, show me how to do this!

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Spring 2007 Pictures

The easiest way to bring you current pictures

As you can imagine, there is no easy way to describe daily life with four little ones in the home. I am constantly busy wiping noses, and other body parts :o) I am often stretched thin by all of them needing me for something at precisely the same moment, and I tend to worry too much about keeping the house picked up. However, by God's grace I am constantly learning more about myself and the person He wants me to be through this full-time job. I am also faced with the reality that I am so undeserving of these four precious gifts. I would not trade this for the world.

Anyway, I thought this blog would at least be a way for me to keep you somewhat up to speed on each child and to post recent pictures of them. I know that grandparents may hang out here the most, but you all are welcome to browse.